Phycology of Success

Post Originally Published: June 4th, 2010

Destructive criticism you dramatically diminish their potential. The power of “I like myself”. Been responsible 100% of our decisions. It is possible to eliminate negative emotions. “I am responsible”. I wish, I can’t, I have to. Forget everybody and everyone…forgiveness. Only the strong person who has the self stein and the courage and character to admit that make a mistake can say: I made a mistake, I’m sorry.

What’s the worst possible outcome? When worrying. Accept the fact. Everyday look on a mirror and say to you “I like myself”.

 Affirmation and visualization. Self-discipline.

Always look the good in every situation.

Re-Write down your goals every morning before you start your day.

Sport programming technique: visualize ourselves doing the skill correct. Mental rehearsal.

 Writing down the goals in present tense.

 What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew without the shadow of the doubt you could not fail? If you have this answer, you can have it; you are capable on having it!

Goals settings: DESIRE OR NEED to gain it!!!

 Improving creativity


1- Solitude, going into the silence (30 to 60 minutes). Do not read, smoke, drink coffee, get up, not music, and stand.

2- Deep relaxation and meditation. Seat very quietly and count down 50 to down or 100 to down…and let your mind go calm.

3- Surrounding you of natural environment.

4- Listening to beautiful classical music.

5- Laughing, exercise.


1- Mind storming. Seating down and writing down your most important problems on top of your notepad. “How can I increase my sales” or any question or challenge you. Forcing 20 answers. Answers the opposite.

2- The systematic problem solving method. Geniuses can focus or concentrate on one thing. Abilities the sense of naivety and all possible ways of approaching, like a child.

3- Saying we got a situation here. Clearly define the situation, crystallize it. Write down what would be the possible solution for the problem; keep your mind solution thinking. Make a clear decision. Assign specific responsibilities, what way, what resources. Set a Dateline, when it is going to be completed.

4- Brainstorming. The ideal number 4 to 7 people. Time: 30 to 40 minutes. Just focus on ideas generation, no judgments of ideas. One person who is the leader of the brainstorming session: the leader goes on the table for contribution. One person should be writing the answers and can contribute also on ideas. Make the question as precise as possible. Set a deadline on the session. Encourage laugher, any idea any possible idea.

5- Marketing Gaps analysis. What new markets could be developed for a specific? To an existing customer.

6- Listening to intuition and gut feeling.

Super conscious idea:

1- The idea will come to our mind 100% complete, every way and complete answer.

2- It is so simple, that it’s obvious.

3- Burst of joy and energy physically and mentally.3


*Tranquility-Sea of Tranquility

 *Nature Series: The Meadow

 Love only grows by sharing.

My turning point.

 Not feeling fearful.

 Success is a skill.

The key of success is to master yourself to do what you got to do when you got to do it, whether you feel like it or not.

 1- The Principal of purpose: the establishment of a principal goal.

 Failure to plan is planning to fail. What is the kind of job you want to be?

 Setting goals.

Goals should be in written.

What can be measurable, challenging and achievable?

Write down the reasons that motivates.

Seek and you shall find.

 Make detail plan: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. See the progress.

Take 30 minutes of your day reviewing.

2- The principle of Excellence.

 You got to make a commitment to be excellent.

It is the key of last long economy.

 What’s going to be your area of excellence?

 1) Know what you are doing.

2) Believe in what you are doing.

3) Love what you are doing.


To be all what we can be, we must be dream more.

I’m excellent, improve, and study your performance.

 After every situation:

  •  What did I do right?
  •  What would I do differently?

 3- The importance of accepting responsibility.

 The mark of the high achiever keeps your mind calm, not blaming anyone.

 Do what can make a difference?

 Make a habit of forgiving others.

 Team work:

  •  Take the fault and share the glory.
  •  Never criticize, complain.
  •  The systematic Method.
  •  Zero Base Thinking.
  •  Learn from your failures. 


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